Friday 30 September 2011

comedy Conventions

over the top scences
silence to show awkwardness between characters or laughting point for audience
same characters to get to know them
bright lighting
set as real life e.g. in houses , bars , work etc
laughter from audiene
repeated jokes
close up of facial expressions
tracking shots

Horror conventions

weapons (kinifes )
silence to show scared and something is going to happen and build tension
fast pace music to build tension and suspense
thunder and lighting / raining weather
dark scences / lighting
hauted houses
young good looking victims
cross cutting
close up of reactionof victim
long shot of setting / location

Action adventure conventions

hero and villains
fighting scene
get something / treasure etc
tracking shots
fast sence / cross cutting to show tension
bright lighting for symbolic (to show emotion and what characters like )
sound tracks / sting ( burst f music to show something is going to happen to a character )
exotic location or city
side kicks
muscle main characters usally a male character
sound motif ( soud for the main character replayed )

Sci-Fi conventions

green screen / blue screen
edited sound tracks and title / credits at start in space
flying vechiles
set in future
lazers / light sabres
long shot in spaces to show scene and set scene
unkown clothing / exotic
ordernary people chose to be main character
CGI (computer generated imagery )
dutch angle to show there in space / floating etc
tracking shots
steady cam
cross cutting

Sci-Fi Wallpapers

Western conventions

hot weather / bright lighting
old clothing
sound tracks when characters walk in / chase scanes n horse etc .
tracking shots e.g. on horses / trains , in bar scenes .
letter box of face/eyes close up of weapons hands on houlster
bar fights / salloon doors
card games/poker
tumble weed to show deserted / alone
train robbery

Monday 26 September 2011

Link to history of animation


A mainstream is a big audience and a niche is a small audience
mise-en-scence is lighting , setting , location , characters and props
Diegetic is realistic sound where ever you are e.g. if you are in a super market you would expect to hear tills , people walking , trollys being pushed , checkout numbers called out and many more .
Non-diegetic is something that you wouldnt expect to hear , something added in e.g. a soundtrack or voice over in a documentary 

camera angles and movements

long shot
birds eye view
close up/ extreme
point of view
worms eye view
tracking shot
establishing shot (sets background same as wide shot )
panning (left to right)
dutch angle