Thursday 8 December 2011

Soap Evaluation

Chris Evaluation :

For our Soap Scene, we tried to convey a common storyline in most everyday soaps, and that is school issues. Our storyline focuses mainly on a boy, played by Chris, who is getting bullied at school, the storyline begins in the corridor, the boy (Chris) is on his phone when he walks past the bully (Elliot), the bully asks him 'what are you looking at?', this helps to give the audience the effect that something is about to happen. The bully then takes the boy's phone and then throws it into the girl's toilets, causing the boy to run in and retrive his phone, as he picks up his broken phone, a girl (Lily) see's him and then runs out screaming. We then editited the footage so that it fades into the next day, a scene between the boy and his father (Elliot), having been reported by the girl, they have been called in for a meeting about the incident, they start by disscussing the incident with the father questioning the boy's reasons for being in there, the boy does not say much, this gives the audience the effect that the boy is quite a shy person that likes to keep his feelings and opinions to himself, we then used a bit of comedy to lighten up the scene, the father tells a joke which the boy dissaproves of, causing the father to slap him to the ground, this leads us on to the final scene. The headteacher (Rhianna) appears in the waiting room, then leads them into the interviewing room, the boy is asked numerous questions, and the father is shown a statement by the girl, the boy then reveals the real problem, he says that he is homosexual leading to the fathers horrified look, this corresponds with the text 'to be continued ...', to create a cliffhanger that leaves the audience wanting to see more.

Riannas Evaluation : 
There is a lot of things that help create a meaning in a soap, for example. We used colour to show the realism of a soap. This connotes a sense of being real and it being set in real life. Language used by the actors was reasonable because we didn't use slang expect for when the bully said 'Gimme your phone' this connotes teenagers and bully's. It helps the audience understand that they're young. We didn't use music in our soap extract because we wanted it to be realistic and so if we were to put non-digetic music in would make it look and sound fake. The costumes were thought about because we wanted the bully to be wearing a hoodie, the Father to be wearing a smarter jacket and the boy to be casual smart. The actor playing the teacher (me) was wearing jeans and a jacket. This probably wasn't the best way to go about it as teachers tend to wear smart clothes. As this was the only thing we had that's what we had to work with. The set of our soap was of a school, The school doesn't look particularly clean or looked after but i think this worked well along with the rest of the scene. We didn't use many props apart from a piece of paper that we called the 'statement'. One other prop we used was a fake phone that we used to help tell the story that chris was in the girls toilets. This worked well as it looked like a real phone and helped us explain the situation better using close up shots to explain its importance to the story line. 

My Evaluation :
In my group my theme is narrative , our soap is a open narrative becuase the story can keep on going , soaps on the tv such as Eastenders are an open strand becuase the use cliffhangers to keep us interested . Our soap deals with characters are in a single strand becuase it shows a storyline about other characters but our soap could also be a multistrand if we showed other storylines happening to other characters
.Multistrand examples : farther  splitting up with mother , teacher in money problems in debt . Our soap tries to achieve a sense of true to life as posible ; soaps have dramatic highlights but also try to present reality to keep us interested . We tried to make our soap to as close to life as possible by including a problem that happens everyday at school , in our case it was bullying that we showed but there was a problem which was that ;  the teacher  "Rianna" and the parent "Elliot" thought that "Chris" was looking at a girl in the toilet .  We showed that Elliot is a bully before any action was created and showed in the scene because of the hooded jumper that he wore and the slight , slow  movement of him when he is following "Chris" . This representation connotes to the audience that he is going to do something to the student being followed , and he isn't a very nice person . We showed the characters reaction by having close ups of there face which could also show something is going to happen and create an affect to the storyline .

Thursday 3 November 2011

Conventions and codes of a Soap

You would expects theses things in a soap :
fights - adds drama and to keep you interested , want to know whats going to happen next
cliff hangers - to keep you interested in shows and keep the rates high
affairs - gets secrets out and keeps you interested , want to know if the person finds out about there cheating
theme tune - intro to the show , represents the soap
cross cutting - crosses between scence to another to build tention
mastershot - sets the scence / shows you the scence
close ups - to show facial expressions and creats atmosphere
medium shots - to show the persons body and a little space around them
meeting places e.g. pub cafe etc.
shot reverse shot - to show coversation between people
gossip - this catches the audience up if they have missed any episodes
ensemble shots - to show a group or a  collective of people in a shot
parallel cutting - crosses between scence to another to relate characters
C.G.I - to create a morden affect
bright colours - to show that the location of the soap is a nice place


I have looked at three episodes of Coronation Street at different years , there are many changes though out the years .
In the first clip from the 60s theres is no glamour in the mis-en-scence , the tone and the lighting of the shots are fillmed in black and white and are dark which doesn't create a pleasnt atmosphere. there are closely packed houses .The theme tune is shorter compared to the other two clips , in the scences there are alot more characters in a scence where as in clip from the 1979 the maxium amout of people in a scenec was two . In the episode from the 1960's there was no silence , there was always noise but where as in the 1979 and in the 2010 episode there is silence to build tension and to get us interested in what's going to happen next . In the newest episdoe in the 2010 there is a lot of changes that wasnt in the other two clips such as : 
intro shows sunset to create a carm and a nice atmosphere
truer colour pallet represented to show brightness and nicer place 
fade in and affects and start 
longer theme tune 
low angles and alot more close ups 

Although in the clip from the 1960's we dont get any close up we know the main character by the screen timing , they will get more time on a set . In clip two there was a lot of head room in a close up but this affect showed that a certain charcter was more weaker and smaller compared to the other character who was bigger and stronger ; this clip also seemed very filmed like becuase of the long takes .  
In the 1979 episode it is dull and grim , grey and bluey colours , the house are packed closely together again like the first episode . It feels like a rundown rurring almost like regional rabbit huts enviroment ; and living in poverty . The cat creates a lonely status , also the tiles show rundown , looks like its been raining and cold  and there is no escape . There is a tree in the foreground which is a metaphore to show the people rising out of poverty and that something grow there , there is some life . The houses are brown , musty decated walls .
As we move on in the scences there starts to be some very slow tracking shots , and silence to show tension and builds suspence , he shouldnt be there and his body languages shows thats not his house ; the way he throws the book on the floor in anger and him creeping through the rooms . The characters are stereo typical dressed (the old man ) to show weak and that he is vunerable . The other character lights a ciggerate to show his cooler and powerful than the old man in his own home . The furniture doesnt match is is old fashioned compared to nowere days .  

Thursday 27 October 2011

Radio Chart Shows

Radio Chart Shows have change alot over the years , technology has also become so much more advanced , this changes the way we listen to chart shows ; we now are able to watch chart shows on the internet live and listen back whenever we wish to , here are a few link from the past radio chart shows to a more present time  .

This first link shows a chart show in 1982 :
What happens at the start of the show ?
At the begging of this show there is a jingle sound affect , the DJ was talking really fast , the voice said "radio 1 " then he introduced himself . In this show there are voice overs , jingles , old pop music in the background , upbeat voice and posh , tone upbeat keeps us interstead , the audience is a young . This show is a mainstream show at this time .

This second link shows a chart show in 1985 :!!v~~XV6cFVWEbFA&urlHash=5.765641879785137E-42
In this show there is only 3 years different between the first link but alot has changed :
The DJ talks more slower and doesn't have such a posh voice/ more upbeat , the jingle has created a more relaxed feel , the music is more slower . There is no musical accuplement for the countdown chart before in 1982 radio show but in this show it has . 
How Has the music changed ? 
 the music genre has changed becuase this music is funky disco pop which connotes the chart shows was mainstream at that time .
 How does the radio show beging ? 
The Dj goes straight into the chart show and plays the songs in the charts at that moment. The Dj's fast pace/ average pitch up beat with a presentational voice to keep the viewers entertained. The tone of the show is fast, up beat, chatty and entertaining with a feel good vibe and energy. Also the music is a bit more slower which creates a relax feel / atmosphere .  

This third link shows a chart show from 2011 more uptodate :!!blend~~5^^amp;ob~~4[[p/search/0/g0E0E8WliHs&urlHash=-3.0239121583510683E277
This link is from 2011 (in January) there is even more changes through the years ; this clip is a video clip but where as the others there was no video . The DJ is working out the celebrity guest conversation , there is no music in the background or audio sounds/ affects , the sound quality is more clearer , morden music  sounds, watch onine (synergy- different media/companys comes together. )
How the radio show starts and what mood does it create  ? 
The very first thing that happens at the beginning of the chart show is the Dj introduces the show with no jingle/theme tune or music which gives a more sophisticated, modern feel compared to the cheesy jingles in the 1985 version of Radio 1's chart show. And a more relaxed / easy listening feel where as the other clips did'nt create .    
What are the difference and why ? 
In this show the audience has more interaction with the show where as in the previous shows the audience didn't have that . This is because of the special celbrity guessed that the DJ "Reggie Yates" has to guess , which the viewers can also do and find entertaining .  
How has the technology changed over the years ? 
The technology has changed over the years becuase now we are able to watch online , like this clip but compared to the other clips you was unable to watch online or listen back . 

This final link shows a webpage for a chart show :
this final link shows a webpage it has different links such as  Home , DJ & shows , News , Chart , Playlist etc. This website lets you listen back to previous days and see whats songs are in the chart at the present time . This page will appeal to alot of younger people as they are a mainstreme audience to both internet and radio 1 .

Monday 17 October 2011

what is a code ?

A code is how a convention make you feel emotionally and think / understand why something has been use e.g. silence in a horror film will show suspense or tension to make us feel scared and  to get us hooked on whats going to happen .

What is a convention ?
 A convention is something you would expect in a certain genre e.g. horror you would expect thunder and lightning , blood ,death etc.

work Evaluation

In my group was Rianna , Alex , Shafique , Amber and Jay ; we had to make a three minute video . The rule was we had to do a 180 degree angle , we decided to make a video with a teacher telling of a student . The positives about our video was that we worked well as team and we done it quick , however in our group we could have improved by making sure that all our framing was correctly and made the astract abit longer . The framing of our shots was wrong becuase in the close up there was too much head room and to much body shown .As we watch our video back we realised  this was our room for improvement , and help us to realise to take our time and take more shots of one scence .
What is the 180 degree rule ?

Google definition: The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line.
 An example of when the 180 degree rule is used is in the film Sherlock Holmes. There is a prison scene when Sherlock and Watson are at first talking and then begin to argue, but because they are sitting back to front from one another, the camera cuts from close-ups of the two characters. The reason why it works is because the 180 degree rule is used so perfectly and creates the correct effect 
on the audience.


This is what the 180 degree rule looks like from a birds eye view.

The way to think of it is imagine that there is a visible line cutting trough two characters exactly down the middle of there bodies . 

Thursday 13 October 2011

Different types of Media

Modern media - Gives a on-demand access to certain types of media on a digital device, anywhere or anytime, things that are under the modern median category are social networking sites, Blu-ray Disks, iPhones, iPads etc, Modern media is simply advanced types of media and technology. 

Mediated - is a edited or manipulated version of a media texts. Example of this is 'live at the apollo' 'big brother' and 'match of the day', they are all cut and edited to give someone or something a specific repetation or intereptation by the audience. This makes the show more appealing and shows the best bits of the show instead of the whole thing . 

New media - is products and services that give us information and entrainment such as the internet and not by the traditional way such as newspapers or television . 

The media doesn't present reality ; they re-present it becuase we are not granted the worlds reality , such as in magazines , celebrities , programs , the radio . They show us "mediated" versions , not the whole story of reality .  

Friday 30 September 2011

comedy Conventions

over the top scences
silence to show awkwardness between characters or laughting point for audience
same characters to get to know them
bright lighting
set as real life e.g. in houses , bars , work etc
laughter from audiene
repeated jokes
close up of facial expressions
tracking shots

Horror conventions

weapons (kinifes )
silence to show scared and something is going to happen and build tension
fast pace music to build tension and suspense
thunder and lighting / raining weather
dark scences / lighting
hauted houses
young good looking victims
cross cutting
close up of reactionof victim
long shot of setting / location

Action adventure conventions

hero and villains
fighting scene
get something / treasure etc
tracking shots
fast sence / cross cutting to show tension
bright lighting for symbolic (to show emotion and what characters like )
sound tracks / sting ( burst f music to show something is going to happen to a character )
exotic location or city
side kicks
muscle main characters usally a male character
sound motif ( soud for the main character replayed )

Sci-Fi conventions

green screen / blue screen
edited sound tracks and title / credits at start in space
flying vechiles
set in future
lazers / light sabres
long shot in spaces to show scene and set scene
unkown clothing / exotic
ordernary people chose to be main character
CGI (computer generated imagery )
dutch angle to show there in space / floating etc
tracking shots
steady cam
cross cutting

Sci-Fi Wallpapers

Western conventions

hot weather / bright lighting
old clothing
sound tracks when characters walk in / chase scanes n horse etc .
tracking shots e.g. on horses / trains , in bar scenes .
letter box of face/eyes close up of weapons hands on houlster
bar fights / salloon doors
card games/poker
tumble weed to show deserted / alone
train robbery

Monday 26 September 2011

Link to history of animation


A mainstream is a big audience and a niche is a small audience
mise-en-scence is lighting , setting , location , characters and props
Diegetic is realistic sound where ever you are e.g. if you are in a super market you would expect to hear tills , people walking , trollys being pushed , checkout numbers called out and many more .
Non-diegetic is something that you wouldnt expect to hear , something added in e.g. a soundtrack or voice over in a documentary 

camera angles and movements

long shot
birds eye view
close up/ extreme
point of view
worms eye view
tracking shot
establishing shot (sets background same as wide shot )
panning (left to right)
dutch angle