Monday 17 October 2011

work Evaluation

In my group was Rianna , Alex , Shafique , Amber and Jay ; we had to make a three minute video . The rule was we had to do a 180 degree angle , we decided to make a video with a teacher telling of a student . The positives about our video was that we worked well as team and we done it quick , however in our group we could have improved by making sure that all our framing was correctly and made the astract abit longer . The framing of our shots was wrong becuase in the close up there was too much head room and to much body shown .As we watch our video back we realised  this was our room for improvement , and help us to realise to take our time and take more shots of one scence .
What is the 180 degree rule ?

Google definition: The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line.
 An example of when the 180 degree rule is used is in the film Sherlock Holmes. There is a prison scene when Sherlock and Watson are at first talking and then begin to argue, but because they are sitting back to front from one another, the camera cuts from close-ups of the two characters. The reason why it works is because the 180 degree rule is used so perfectly and creates the correct effect 
on the audience.


This is what the 180 degree rule looks like from a birds eye view.

The way to think of it is imagine that there is a visible line cutting trough two characters exactly down the middle of there bodies . 

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